Written by William Shakespeare
Directed by Tanner Maroney
About This Performance
A Scottish general Macbeth receives a prophecy from a trio of witches that one day he will become King of Scotland. Spurred to action by his wife and the promise of power, he murders King Duncan and takes the throne for himself. Consumed by guilt and paranoia, Macbeth spirals downward on a journey of murder and violence that leaves few unscathed. As the tyrannical ruler rises we see the ripple effects throughout the land. The bloodshed and civil war that follow take Macbeth and Lady Macbeth into the deepest the realms of madness.
Macbeth ran from April 25th to May 5th of 2019 at the historic HB Playwrights Foundation Theater in New York City.
Review Featured in Hi!Drama
"The obvious metaphor of the overambitious Macbeth and Lady Macbeth compared to a famous couple who shall go unnamed is there, but the interpretation is much more complex, much richer and more indefinite than the obvious. Is Macbeth the Republican Party? Is he America as a whole? Macbeth and Banquo wear contemporary desert fatigues through the entire play. Have we become a perpetually militarized people? Did the death of the power couple’s daughter symbolize a kind of death of innocence post-9/11? None of this was resolved by the play, just suggested, which makes for excellent theater."
"[Tanner Maroney] delivered the “tomorrow” soliloquy beautifully. His stunning performance perhaps was the source of my stomach ache. By the end, I was in love with him."
"Robert Leng as Banquo was excellent. Heinley Gaspard, Morgan Price and Carter Scott Horton made great witches, slinking about the stage giving the whole production a feel of dark foreboding. Carter Scott Horton was exceptional as the assassin. He looked like an assassin, and he had a sinister, blank quality to his demeanor that made me hope I never meet his character in real life."
"The video was superb and contributed a lot to the production. The costumes were great with never a mistake; they enriched the production greatly."
"It was never heavy handed in its metaphor and symbolism. Everyone delivered their lines well, which can be a problem with Shakespeare. The entire production lived up to Shakespeare’s profundity and seriousness. As long as you don’t think theater should always leave you whistling a happy tune, this play may be for you."